Dear all,
It's strange. Every time, every place that the Holy Sacrifice is offered to our Heavenly Father, we are together. More than that, since as members of Christ we partake of one Spirit. And still, it is possible to feel cut off for no good reason.
Maybe I should point out a few things. Yes, I missed out on all the wonderfulness of being present at this year's WYD. But I am sure that the graces will not leave me untouched. Not least, I have had the most wonderful opportunity to grow spiritually over the last year (and I hope that I have benefitted from that opportunity!). The graces of WYD are not just for those present; chaque ame qui s'eleve eleve le monde. Noone reaches heaven in isolation, but we pull the whole Church closer to Him.
The union that we have in prayer is so close. We don't take enough time to contemplate it. The communion of saints isn't just about the Church Triumphant, but about every Christian who walks the earth, or did, or will. A unity which does not, however, just transcend time, but transcends space as well. And it has to be said that I feel closer to you guys, some of whom I haven't heard from since 2005, some of whom, dear readers, I may never have met, than I do to my own biological family. Natural responsibilities notwithstanding.
Of course, some of this is totally subjective, but the objective truth of our communion remains. How we should long for its fulfilment!
I am glad that others have had the opportunity to realise that communion this year - particularly our dear Juventutem pilgrims, who in a very real sense have reminded other WYD attendees of the communion in the Church stretching both through space and time (in what I always imagine to be a neat Cross shape). I thank the Lord for your faithful witness.
Praying for you all. Even if I don't know you at all.
God bless.
Julie Michelle