That is but one reason why the Church stands in opposed to these dissenters because to give way to their desires will lead to the barque of St. Peter being grounded upon an iceberg.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The last post highlighted a very important and all too neglected issue with proponents of female or married clergy: their desire to completely rewrite the faith which has been handed down to us from Christ and His apostles. It is very rare to find among these dissenters an individual for whom the priesthood alone is a point of contention. Instead the whole canon of the Catholic Church has to be brought into disrepute beginning with the person and work of Christ (Son of God and Saviour of man or Eastern sage and social reformer), and the nature and mission of the Church (mystical body and bride of Christ or mere social institution). Some would even dare go a step further to question the very nature of God (being or force).
That is but one reason why the Church stands in opposed to these dissenters because to give way to their desires will lead to the barque of St. Peter being grounded upon an iceberg.
That is but one reason why the Church stands in opposed to these dissenters because to give way to their desires will lead to the barque of St. Peter being grounded upon an iceberg.
Friday, November 23, 2007
On that Meeting
The essential point that needs mentioning on that meeting in Camberwell is that there was no reference to the Cross. No sign of the Cross, no exhortation to embrace the Cross. No mention of prayer and penance. Ethnic diversity in the crowd was only really visible in the group of young people protesting perniciousness. No salute to Dr Collins for his comments on foreign born priests. If one consults publications coming out of the Sees of CfM's delight, and if the situation is so dire, then why is it that the very situation is praised in their pages - and not one line lies therein promoting vocations? Simple answer - but only prayer will conquer that one. You will be pleased to note that this meeting, far from being a happy discussion on theories of nature and grace, or on relationships with our separated brethren, or on methods of evangelisation, or even Catholic education, ended with a Salve Regina and, soon after, toasts to the Holy Father, and Holy Mother Church.
There are many tears to be shed over those Catholics who continue to be so easily led away, while exercising virtuous obedience, at the pull and snarl of wolves. Keep your claws off. Your candles have burnt out, your salt has ants crawling through it. Your time is over and gone. You do not make us afraid. You do not implant despair.
I suggest a response that involves singing, and prayers, and banners.
There are many tears to be shed over those Catholics who continue to be so easily led away, while exercising virtuous obedience, at the pull and snarl of wolves. Keep your claws off. Your candles have burnt out, your salt has ants crawling through it. Your time is over and gone. You do not make us afraid. You do not implant despair.
I suggest a response that involves singing, and prayers, and banners.
On Election Day
Polling booths are spotted around the place, many being schools and halls attached to churches. One of the awful things about this arrangement is seeing pictures of politicians with despicable policies hanging off church gates, but of the happier includes casting a vote under a crucifix.
Three MCs
Pray for holy vocations and for holy families.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Juventutem Meetup Roma 2007
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Juventutem Meetup Rome 2007 |
On 11 November father de Malleray held a small talk on Juventutem at the Open Forum of the general assembly of the International Federation Una Voce in Rome. This occasion was used to have a small Juventutem Meetup in Rome.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Another happy day at St Patrick's Cathedral
Melbourne is a happy See. Today Father Paschal M Corby OFM Conv, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood. You really had to be there. Please pray for Father Paschal. Oil of gladness. Happy Melbourne.
Tomorrow, 18th November at 6pm, a Missa Cantata will be offered according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy at St Canice's church, Sandy Bay, Tasmania. It has been termed the 'inaugural Juventutem Mass', and will be attended by His Excellency, William Cox, Governor of Tasmania, as well as other Dignitaries. Do say a prayer for this intention.
There are other things, some which are better left unsaid, but Deo gratias for this day.
Tomorrow, 18th November at 6pm, a Missa Cantata will be offered according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy at St Canice's church, Sandy Bay, Tasmania. It has been termed the 'inaugural Juventutem Mass', and will be attended by His Excellency, William Cox, Governor of Tasmania, as well as other Dignitaries. Do say a prayer for this intention.
There are other things, some which are better left unsaid, but Deo gratias for this day.
Monday, November 12, 2007
So - I can't spell - or something
Serves me right - anyway, I repeat - falleness - it's rather ugly. As Evelyn Waugh would write, 'Goodness how sad' - or in its abbreviated form, 'G how S.' Deo gratias.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Good Doctor Mannix
Today is the 44th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Mannix. The Good Doctor is buried in the 'crypt' of his Cathedral. Visitors this day will note well that his beautiful Cathedral is closed. Somewhere within the territory of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, it happens to be racing day - a 'sacro-civil day of obligation'. Happily, the Mannix library is open to the public.
I suppose I'm quite liberal when it comes to this part of Melbourne 'tradition', having been born within the boundaries of the Sydney Archdiocese, and reborn out of a Parramatta font. Still, sealed with Melbourne Holy Oil, this is my home and delight.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Mannix. Archbishop Hart will offer Mass for the repose of the souls of the Archbishops of Melbourne this Wednesday (tomorrow) at 1pm at the Cathedral.
Do note that this post is grounded in pleasant humour, and that there is no intention of poking fun at our beloved Archdiocese! I should be writing papers, anyway.
I was going to write that I was 'born into' the Sydney Archdiocese - then I realised the descent into heresy, and restructured the sentence.
I suppose I'm quite liberal when it comes to this part of Melbourne 'tradition', having been born within the boundaries of the Sydney Archdiocese, and reborn out of a Parramatta font. Still, sealed with Melbourne Holy Oil, this is my home and delight.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Mannix. Archbishop Hart will offer Mass for the repose of the souls of the Archbishops of Melbourne this Wednesday (tomorrow) at 1pm at the Cathedral.
Do note that this post is grounded in pleasant humour, and that there is no intention of poking fun at our beloved Archdiocese! I should be writing papers, anyway.
I was going to write that I was 'born into' the Sydney Archdiocese - then I realised the descent into heresy, and restructured the sentence.