Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem
On December 3, 2006.
Hora est jam nos de somno surgere. Nunc enim propior est nostra salus, quam cum credidimus – It is now the hour for us to rise from sleep. For now our salvation is nearer than when we believed” (1st Sunday in Advent, Epistle).
Dear Friends from Juventutem,
On this First Sunday of Advent, the holy liturgy draws the expectations of our hearts towards the Nativity of our Blessed Lord.
The crib in Bethlehem is to be the centre of the world for the three coming weeks and later on, until the Epiphany. Alas, we know too well how few among our contemporaries will think of Christmas for the good reasons though. The huge majority will either ignore it altogether, or will use it only to make money and consume.
As loving children of Holy Mother Church, we want to prepare our hearts for the coming of the God Child.
If we spend time with God in prayer, if we learn about Him improving our Catholic knowledge, if we let ourselves be sanctified by Him through the sacraments of Penance and of the Eucharist, He will certainly make us bear fruit. With paternal condescendence, He will associate us to His work of redemption, that we may bear witness among our fellow students, among our relatives and friends, to Him Who is Truth and Charity.
In my last message (quoted below) on August 30, 2006, I was describing for you the
three circles of spiritual commitment which Juventutem presents to every youth as a concrete path towards holiness. Are we all perfectly holy by now? Well, I personally wouldn’t mind some little extra time. What about you? Have you been able to experience the spiritual security found in regular Confession? Have you found how more fruitful our Holy Communions are when received with a purified heart – whether we feel something or not? Have you discovered the deep inner peace granted by the Lord when meeting with Him, truly, really and substantially present in the monstrance, during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
Obviously, spiritual progress is difficult to evaluate. To some extent, we may wish to keep God’s delicate favours under the shade of pious discretion and of respectful trust and loving abandonment to his grace. That does not mean we should be ungrateful or lazy. It is good therefore that we check the fidelity of our personal commitment, according to which one of the three circles we have chosen.
We would also wish to verify the good influence of our
Catholic behaviour upon those among whom we live, or theirs upon us. Have we engaged into
fruitful conversations on Catholic doctrine? Have we learnt to
better value the Traditional Roman liturgy by reading good material on the Internet or in books? Have we attended
spiritual and doctrinal conferences and encouraged others to come along with us? Have we started to liaise with other youths in order to have such conferences organised, as well as monthly
adoration? Have we envisaged our customary
bonds of friendship as a precious opportunity for circulating God’s grace through and around us? Well, a lot of homework in perspective! Homework? Yes, when we remember that
our true Home is the Merciful Heart of Jesus. In It we have our spiritual dwelling on this earth.
Through that radiant Gateway we will proceed when entering everlasting happiness, after we die in a state of grace.
Dear Friends, that is what I wish for each one of us. It is what I pray for every morning at Mass when uttering at the foot of the altar: “Introibo and altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam”. Let us support each other in our daily prayer - even if we haven’t yet had the opportunity of meeting face to face, scattered on every continent as we are – let us already meet heart to heart in the Lord.
Concrete steps: Thank you in advance for kindly emailing me (fij_malleray@fssp.org) the following information:
1. Is your FIJ circle of spiritual commitment the:
Supporters’, Friends’ or Cooperators’ (check details below)?
2. You are in contact locally with ...... youths who have shown interest for Juventutem.
3. The following clergy or consecrated persons have expressed to you their interest for
4. Since the foundation of the FIJ on May 24, 2006, you have participated in the following event(s) organised in the name or with mention of Juventutem (e.g. rosary, adoration, excursion, conference, blog):............................
5. As member of Juventutem you are planning the following event(s):.....................
I am looking forward to reading your emailed answer. If you don’t receive an answer from me within a few days, it should mean that your email did not reach me. You can also write to the following address: “Rev. Fr. Armand de Malleray, FSSP, Ecclesiastical Assistant FIJ, Chemin du Schoenberg 8, CH-1700, Fribourg, Switzerland”.
I assure you of my prayer for a blessed time of Advent and I already wish you and your families and friends a very merry Christmas: