Saturday, June 30, 2007

July 2008

Juventutem Australia's liturgical program has been unofficially decided - and it looks quite outstanding. Thank you all for your prayers so far, and please, do keep praying. You really aren't going to want to miss out on this.

It includes Pontifical Votive Masses of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Cross, the Holy Spirit, and a Pontifical Requiem - and more, much more - and details that are so exciting that my imprudent over enthusiasm and excitement make it best not to post just now. It is going to be so good! Deo gratias!

The Holy Father's letter to the Church in China

Is now viewable here.

This is no game. This is not pretend.

The Classical Liturgy, and the 'case' for its liberalisation has nothing to do with the SSPX. Nothing. I'm sick of their situation being mentioned. This is about what is due to God - and the right-ordering of fallen man so he might better meet his first duty of adoration.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Es consecrata glorioso sanguine

This evening's Liturgy was just perfection. It was like Easter! The Ordinary was Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli - which is about my very favourite. No words really, just thanks to God.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jam, bone Pastor, Petre, clemens accipe!

Firstly, a very happy and very blessed Feast. Please pray for Father McDaniels, whose anniversary is today. It is also the anniversary of Melbourne's vocations director, Father Denton - and so too, I believe, the anniversary of the Holy Father.

A solemn Mass will be celebrated this evening at 7:30pm at St Aloysius. From the website: "Fr John Walshe’s silver jubilee Mass – St Aloysius’, Friday 29th June at 7.30pm: our good friend Fr Walshe (Parish Priest of Mentone) will celebrate Solemn Mass for the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, in this Silver Jubilee year of his priestly ordination. Please make every effort to attend."

Everything seems a little bit overwhelming for the minute. I'm left feeling a case of 'reaping that which you did not sow'. Thanks be to God for His faithful warriors, and His devoted intercessors. Do begin to pray for those who don't yet know what we are making such a fuss about, but whose conversions will flower as a result. For the priestly and religious vocations that will be awakened, for Catholic marriages, and for the babies that will be born. The Holy Father knows all this. Then will follow a new sense of order, attentiveness, and a victory of the Beautiful. And a Sacred Silence. I think Pope Benedict wants us to Listen.

It makes the mission of the whole 2008 thing that much more pertinent and exciting. So much to say. Please pray for us.

When I see a hardcopy of the document, I think it will involve some jumping accompanied by much hand clapping.

Deus, qui hodiernam diem Apostolorum tuorum Petri et Pauli martyrio consecrasti: da Ecclesiae tuae, eorum in omnibus sequi praeceptum; per quos religionis sumpsit exordium.

From 'The Australian' in the last half hour

"Pope moves to bring back Latin Mass". Much the same thing, I think, as what has begun to appear around the place. I always favoured a June 29th release date.

Happy Feast, Felix Roma!

Calling all British readers...

Please contact me by email: Precentrix(at)catholic(dot)org (or same at gmail). Just because it would be nice to know you exist.


Julie Michelle

Oremus pro Pontifice nostro, Benedicto

It seems that Tasmania's Classical Rite Community is going to wake to wonderful treat on the morning of their next Liturgy - and it is only fitting that they do.

I do hope that ACSA will allow delegates the opportunity of attending the Classical Liturgy on the Sunday of their Conference. I think they should.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Margaret Mary Breen, whose Requiem was offered today.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Motu Proprio Parties

Mr Tribe made the suggestion over at the NLM - I think it is a good one! I'm sure those graced with Catholic Convivium will come up with something.

This has lightened my mood somewhat concerning some very serious issues. Please pray for the repose of the soul of a lovely lady named Germaine.

Please pray too for Fathers Tattersall and McCaffrey, who have celebrated their Priestly anniversaries over the weekend.

Finally, do pray for baby Henrietta, who was baptised in Tasmania on Saturday, the Vigil of St John the Baptist.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Classical Canberra

It seems as though I will be going to Canberra! Deo gratias.

I hope you all had a wonderful feast of St Aloysius.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Patientia Sanctorum

The Saints have a quiet patience in perfect conformity with the Master's. They will but to accomplish the Will of God, feeding upon the food of Christ. If some poor sojourner happens to call upon them for help - a confused sort of general help relying upon a certain Saint's sanctity, and the Faith of the Church - particularly in a way that involves the material as well as the spiritual - veneration of relics etc - then these Saints do not fail to assist in ways that are almost poetic. One can almost see them radiantly gleaming at their handiwork, lauding the Providence of the Lord. What perfect prayer! Gratias agamus!

Earlier I wrote that today was the anniversay of Father McDaniels' Ordination - but I was mistaken. It isn't for a good few days, which now seems appropriate. In any case, please pray for him! It is the anniversary of my first Holy Communion. And tomorrow is the feast of St Aloysius - which will be celebrated as a Solemnity!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Reminder

A reminder to those who are planning to attend next year's festivities - please remember to bring your warm clothes. June is already proving to be incredibly chilly!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Late, but...

I thought I'd post up St. Thomas's wonderful sermon for Matins of Corpus Christi. Just because it's brilliant.

In Opusculo 57.

Immensa divinae largitatis beneficia, exhibita populo christiano, inaestimabilem ei conferunt dignitatem. Neque enim est aut fuit aliquando tam grandis natio, quae habeat deos appropinquantes sibi, sicut adest nobis Deus noster. Unigenitus siquidem Dei Filius, suae divinitatis volens nos esse participes, nostram naturam assumpsit: ut homines deos faceret, factus homo. Et hoc insuper, quod de nostro assumpsit, totum nobis contulit ad salutem. Corpus namque suum pro nostra reconciliatione in ara crucis hostiam obtulit Deo Patri; sanguinem suum fudit in pretium simul et lavacrum: ut redempti a miserabili servitute, a peccatis omnibus mundaremur.

Et ut tanti beneficii iugis in nobis maneret memoria, corpus suum in cibum, et sanguinem suum in potum, sub specie panis et vini sumendum fidelibus dereliquit. O pretiosum et admirandum convivium, salutiferum et omni suavitate repletum! Quid enim hoc convivio pretiosius esse potest? in quio non carnes vitulorum et hircorum, ut olim in lege, sed nobis sumendus proponitur Christus, verus Deus. Quid hoc Sacramento mirabilius? In ipso namque panis et vinum in Christi corpus et sanguinem substantialiter convertuntur: ideoque Christus, Deus et homo perfectus, sub modici panis et vini specie continetur.

Manducatur itaque a fidelibus, sed minime laceratur: quinimmo, diviso Sacramento, sub qualibet divisionis particula integer perseverat. Accidentia autem sine subiecto in eodem subsistunt; ut fides locum habeat, dum visibile invisibiliter sumitur, aliena specia occultatum: et sensus a deceptione reddantur immunes, qui de accidentibus iudicant sibi notis. Nullum etiam sacramentum est isto salubrius, quo purgantur peccata, virtutes augentur, et mens omnium spiritualium charismatum abundantia impinguatur. Offertur in Ecclesia pro vivis et mortuis: ut omnibus prosit, quod est pro salute omnium institutum.

And I'm going to be mean and not translate it, since I don't have time. Have fun, Perpetua!

Inveni David, servum meum: oleo sancto meo unxi eum

There is a beautiful photo presentation of Friday evening's Episcopal Consecrations here.

One can't fittingly explain what the atmosphere was like. The night was perfect. As you can see from the photographs, there was a heavy fog, the Cathedral, as it were, was overshadowed. You couldn't see the spire. It sort of dissolved into the heavens. And for those running a little late, you couldn't find a seat. It was all quite European.

I think there were over twenty bishops in attendance, including His Eminence, George Cardinal Pell, who was really looking quite weathered. At least a third of Melbourne's priests were there, including our chaplains - and our congregation managed a nice spot of about three pews - to greet our new regional bishop.

It was all quite unreal. The Papal mandates were read - the Holy Father using the Royal 'we'. The Church is so lovable that it is ridiculous! Never more frustrating therefore is the other situation. Very stupid, very unnecessary, very heartbreaking. Turning the most splendid ceremonies of the Church into frightful ugliness. That's all I will say about that.

The pouring of the oil over the bishops' heads was very moving, and hence the title of this post. I think my favourite prayer of the rite was the 'investiture with ring': "Take this ring, the seal of fidelity. With faith and love protect the Bride of God, His Holy Church."

Bishop Prowse escorted the new Bishops around the Cathedral so that they could give their first blessing. Bishop Costelloe looked like a beautiful unsuspecting little child, surprised by the sudden acclamation of his friends, and hoisted upon their shoulders. Bishop Elliott looked utterly happy - friends are sure he had tears in his eyes. He stopped for a very brief moment at our pews, and we knelt for the blessings.

Both Bishops reflected themselves magnificently in their first addresses to the people. Bishop Costelloe related the masses coming to hear Christ - a beautiful image to hear from the pews - and the figure of Our Blessed Mother, and those others throughout Holy Scripture, little, unknown, suddenly chosen and raised to eminence by God - and therefore having to rely totally upon Him - for everything. It was just perfect.

Listening to Bishop Elliott was what I imagine it must have been like to listen to Cardinal Newman, or even perhaps Mgr Knox. He is just like that. I'm sure the address will be published - but it reminded me of the BBC production of 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' when Aslan, after having 'risen' from the dead, says something like, "I think it's time for a roar!" Bishop Elliott has chosen for his motto 'Parare vias ejus'. I think it is very fitting that Bishop Elliott now possesses the Apostolic succession.

A good word to summarise the whole occasion is 'splendid'. Bishops Peter, and Timothy. The Archdiocese of Melbourne is entirely blessed, and I think, the very best Diocese in Australia.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor Tuum

A happy and most blessed Feast to all!

As usual, thanks be to God, there are many good things going on.

The Australian Catholic Students Association will be having a Congress in Canberra in July to discuss the matter of the World Youth Day legacy for Catholic Australia over the 20 years from 2008. The program and speakers look outstanding. Father Gregory Jordan SJ will celebrate a Classical Liturgy at 9:30pm on the Friday, 6th of July. It seems that there will be a lovely choir assisting at the Conference liturgies, directed by a member Canberra's Classical Rite community.

The Episcopal Consecrations of Bishops-Elect Mgr Peter Elliott and Father Timothy Costelloe SDB take place this evening at St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, at 7:30pm. Friends are advising one another to arrive hours in advance. Bishop Elliott will be regional Bishop for Classical Rite community at St Aloysius'. Please pray for our Bishops-Elect.

"Renewing the Church and converting the world: reclaiming our Catholic mission – a public lecture by Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver: 8.00pm Wednesday 4th July 2007 at the Cardinal Knox Centre Lecture Theatre, 383 Albert St East Melbourne. Entry free – donation requested. Sponsored by the Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (ACCC)."

If you are interested in options for authentic Catholic education, or in promoting such an endeavour, please consider the following survey - and pray for this intention.

Finally, there is to be an International Colloquium on Deus Caritas Est from July 23-25, at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, Melbourne.

Cor Jesu, fornax ardens caritatis, Rex et centrum omnium cordium, miserere nobis.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keeping unto the Latin

For the moment, I am engaged in some rather enjoyable clerical sort of work. Happily, and for a very good end, it involves a little Latin translation. Or, at least, I have taken it upon myself to do some translating - and that is what brings me to this post.

I have come to the reasonable conclusion that Roman Liturgical texts (those prayed within the Mass) should simply and always remain in the Latin. Even if translations are accurate and sensible, they can stifle one's imagination. And annoy clergy and servers.

For example, a good and holy priest might cringe at having to pray the P. translation rendering the Psalm 42 antiphon: I will go unto the altar of God: to God, Who gladdens my youth. Even though it is rather correct. This good priest might much prefer ascending the altar of God, unto Him Who gives joy to his youth. If the Latin were preserved however, both Priest and pleb would be very happy, and plebby P. wouldn't be in her pew stewing about the precise meaning of laetificare, and silent 'ad's. (If one takes laetificare to mean 'to give joy to', and the 'to' to be silent, and mean 'unto,' then I suppose I can concede the translation found in most missals - but still, I'm not satisfied!)

I love Latin.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sicut incensum

Another view of the lovely vestments.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Solemn Benediction

Benedictus es, Domine, in firmamento caeli: et laudabilis, et gloriosus, et superexaltatus in saecula!

The Procession

Vespers before the Blessed Sacrament

In the park...

After having some lunch, before festivities commenced.

Green Set

Splendid new set of vestments from St Bede's Studio for time after Pentecost. Click for a larger image.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Unlike some other books that one carries on their person

The English edition of the Holy Father's Jesus of Nazareth seems to be without ribbons...

Lauda Sion Salvatorem

"The Archbishop is a very important person but no matter who he is, it is inappropriate for him to threaten politicians with consequences"

Please pray for our politicians, whose formation and intellect is at best pitiable. Their conversions will be glorious. As Gueranger beautifully said, 'the descendants of her bitterest enemies will call her Mother'. Just wait til the Catholics take over next year. Most of these politicians are actively encouraging World Youth Day.

They should be in church, celebrating Corpus Christi with the rest of us - however, the Feast doesn't forget them - or, so often than not, ourselves.

Both the wicked and the good
Eat of this Celestial Food
But with ends how opposite!

Quam sit dispar exitus.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Se dat suis manibus

My prayers that you may all have the happiest and holiest Feast - both today, and at solemnities throughout the Octave. Corpus Christi is certainly one of my very favourite feasts, and I can't wait for the Te Deum this evening!

Corpus Christi in Melbourne:

There will be a Solemn Mass at 7.30pm this Thursday for Corpus Christi, followed by a short Eucharistic Procession inside the Church, concluding with Benediction. Next Sunday 10th June at 3.00pm, we will celebrate Solemn Vespers of Corpus Christi before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, followed by a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament outside the Church, and concluding with Solemn Benediction. (Picnic in the park between the conclusion of 11am Mass, and Vespers)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Prayer Request


Please pray for the repose of the souls of Fr Ragheed Ganni and Sub-deacons Basman Yousef Daud, Wahid Hanna Isho, Gassan Isam Bidawed who were murdered yesterday after celebrating Mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul, Iraq.

"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live"
John 11:25

Lux æterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in æternum, quia pius es. Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Deo gratias

I have finally met every requirement for my Bachelor Theology degree. I can even now collect a transcript and apply for post-graduate courses. I can't possibly express how relieved I am - how thankful to the Lord. All that I can say is that I have earnt, by the grace of God, and not for myself, but for the good of the Church and the faithful, the title Perpetua B.Theol. If no B. Theol - no P. Deo gratias.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Salve Asperges

So Paschaltide has come to an end. Today we welcome back the Asperges, Angelus, and the Salve Regina - and farewell those things which make our Easter joy so complete. Refer to yesterday's beautiful Liturgy (Ember Saturday) for a good insight about what is now before us - of giving our first fruits to the Lord, and the Lord Himself being sent on Mission. Today resound our praises for the True Faith, for our God in the Blessed Trinity of Persons and Unity of Nature, who has deigned to reveal Himself to us. Deo gratias. Let us pray for the conversion of the world.

Chant classes this morning before Mass.

Yesterday I went to see a wonderful production of The Pirates of Penzance. I was very happy to go and see David Hobson perform live. Anyway, I'm awfully tempted the next time I see a mob in cassocks, to quietly motion a 'tarantara...' (There is a word that sort of looks like my name, but doesn't mean hell!)